STM32F1 Easy

- STM32F107RCT6 Microcontroller with ARM 32-bit Cortex™-M3 CPU Core.
 - 256KB Flash, 20 Kbytes SRAM.
 - USB HID Bootloader.
 - Mini USB Connector.
 - Dual ATCBus Host Socket.
 - JTAG Header.
 - Serial wire debug Header.
 - 2 led, 2 Push button, 1 Reset button.
 - I/O Header.
 - Power supply: 5VDC.
 - Dimension: 72.5 x 83 mm.
 - Support Design Library for Altium, Eagle, Orcad.
 - Support sample code control CR95HF Easy.
 - Support USB HID Bootloader software.

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    1. STM32F1 Easy Overview

    STM32F1 Easy is designed product by AT-COM that gives users the conveniences when combining between ATCBus with the microcontroller family is ARM 32-bit Cortex ™ -M3 CPU Core. The board is equipped with an STM32F107RCT6 microcontroller with 256KB Flash, 20 Kbytes SRAM, processing speed up to 72MHz. The board supports to connect with the computer via USB Full Speed v2.0, with a USB HID Bootloader that allows users to directly load the firmware to the microcontroller without any other programming kit. In addition, the Dual ATCBus Host Socket design maximizes the microcontroller's resources with SPI, UART, I2C, PWM, and so on. It meets the requirements of programmers who deploy applications like GSM, GPRS, GPS, Wifi, Ethernet, USB, CAN, PWM ... 

   2. Design diagram of  STM32F1 Easy

    3. Features of STM32F1 Easy


   Board is designed with 5V power supply from mini USB port and/or External Power Terminal. Users can power from a USB port with a maximum current of 500mA, for applications requiring higher currents, it is possible to power 5V from external power through the External Power Terminal.

    STM32F1 Easy is a combined STM32F107RCT6 microcontroller with 256KB Flash, 20 Kbytes SRAM, processing speed up to 72MHz combined with Dual ATCBus Host Socket optimized peripheral of microcontrollers allowing STM32F1 Easy to easily combine multiple Easy boards to implement applications via interface USB, UART, SPI, I2C, Ethernet, CAN, ADC, ...

    The board supports loading and debugging applications through connections:

  • JTAG 20 pin compatible with the programming kits for ARM.
  • Serial Wire debugging through pins CLK, DAT, 3.3V (NC), GND.
  • USB HID Bootloader.

     An outstanding feature supported on the  STM32F1 Easy is the USB HID Bootloader feature, which allows users to load applications directly through the USB port without adding any other programming kit. To do this, AT-COM supports users USB HID Bootloader software for ARM.

    The programmer can select the boot mode for the STM32F107RCT6 microcontroller via switch the BOOT mode on the board, which has the following selection modes for the switch positions:


  • Position 1,2 (BOOT0 = 0, BOOT1 = 0): Flash memory is selected as the boot area.
  • Position 1,3 (BOOT0 = 0, BOOT1 = 1): Flash memory is selected as the boot area.
  • Position 4,2 (BOOT0 = 1, BOOT1 = 0): System memory is selected as the boot area.
  • Position 4,3 (BOOT0 = 1, BOOT1 = 1): Embedded SRAM selected as boot area.

   The board is equipped with a reset button, two blue LEDs, two push buttons, all located at the bottom of the board:

  • The reset button is used to reset the STM32F107RCT6 microcontroller, when the reset button is pressed, the voltage at the NRST pin of STM32F107RCT6  changes from logic 1 to logic 0.
  • 2 blue Led is used for visual indication or in case users need to debug code when programming. 2 Led connected to STM32F107RCT6  via PC6 and PC7 pins, positive when an output of PC6, PC7 at logic level 1.
  • When pressed, the PA0, PC13 of STM32F107RCT6 will be changed from logic 1 to logic 0.


    In addition, the board with I/O Header is located on the right side with groups of pins PWM, GPIO, UART, RESET, POWER, ... allow users to connect to peripherals in their applications.

    The Dual ATCBus Host Socket with Analog, SPI, I2C, Timer, PWM, UART, ..., ATCBus compliant pins makes it easy to connect with the Easy Board to experience features "Plug and Play" of STM32F1 Easy.

  4. Features of USB HID Bootloader 

    To do this, you need to download the USB HID Bootloader program to your computer, extract the WinRAR file and click on the USB HID Bootloader.exe file to run the USB Bootloader program on your computer.


    After opening the USB HID Bootloader program, you connect the STM32F1 Easy board to the computer, within 5 seconds you press the Connect button to bring the microcontroller into bootloader mode. If you do not press the Connect button for 5 seconds, the microcontroller will run into the previous application loaded.


    When the USB HID Bootloader software and the STM32F1 Easy board are connected successfully, click  Browse and select the path to the .hex file store.


    After selecting the .hex file to load, you click Open to load the file.


    Then click Download to load the program into the microcontroller.


    When the program is loaded successfully, the software will automatically reset the microcontroller and run the loaded application.


* Note when programming for microcontrollers:

    The USB HID Bootloader firmware is in the address range from 0x0803B5C8 to 0x0803FFFF of Flash memory in the STM32F107RCT6 chip. Therefore, your application program may not store data in this memory area, otherwise the USB HID Bootloader Firmware will fail.


   When you choose "Download" that the USB HID Bootloader software appears as above warning then your program is likely to flood into the data area of the Bootloader program, You should adjust the memory for your applications.

    5. Dimension of STM32F1 Easy


    6. Demo application

Read code and RFID tag data according to ISO / IEC 15693 for UART output and LCD display


Locate coordinates via SMS and display them to Google Map 


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